June 5,1992 Satellite Image of Rice Field Outside Dong Vai Prison Shows Location of 'GX2527' Distress Signal.

Derivative sketch of satellite photography provided by former Congressman Bill Hendon.

From the Report Of The Select Committee On POWIMIA Affairs United States Senate, dated January 13, 1993:

"This consultant had detected, with '100 percent confidence' a faint 'GX 2527' in a photograph of a prison facility in Vietnam taken in June-, 1992. This number correlates to the primary and back-up distress symbols and authenticator number of a pilot lost in Laos in 1969." (page 26)

"At Dong Mang (Dong Vai) prison, on June 1992 photography, he observed what he believed to be a 'GX 2527' etched in a field near the prison. He rated this at 100 percent level of confidence in his initial report, and did not change his position during the joint review. JSSA has confirmed that '2527' matches the authenticator number of a serviceman still unaccounted for in Southeast Asia. In the same vicinity, he also found a possible name, in which he originally gave a 70 percent confidence call. His position remained unchanged after the joint review." (page 215)

(JSSA: Joint Services Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Agency)

The consultant in question, Colonel (Ret.) Lorenzo W. Burroughs, was the Deputy Director and head of the National Photographic Interpretation Center and pioneered satellite imagery analysis methods used today during a 40 year career for which he received the nation's highest award.